「ショーシャンクの空に」「グリーンマイル」に続いて3度目のスティーヴン・キング原作となる「霧」の映画化「The Mist」がこの冬公開予定のフランク・ダラボン監督が、今度はキング初期の問題作「死のロングウォーク」の映画化にも取り組む予定であることを明らかにした模様。次回作として予定されている「華氏451」のリメイクの完成後に着手することになる模様。
SDCC 07: Darabont Confirms King's 'The Long Walk'
Friday, July 27, 2007
During an interview to promote Dimension Films' upcoming Stephen King adaptation, The Mist, director Frank Darabont revealed to Bloody-Disgusting that he is in fact going to helm Stephen King's The Long Walk once he has completed Fahrenheit 451. The film is about a walk where the winner gets the ultimate prize - anything they want for life, and the losers get punished with death! The rules are simple - If you walk too slow, you get a warning, 4 warnings and you are shot. There is only one winner, and the story concentrates on a loosely held group of individuals that become friends and enemies during this inhumane walk. One by one Ray Garraty sees the people around him die, and he faces the truths of his own entry into the Long Walk, and those of his new "friends". He is aware that only one will survive all the way, but it is not until the end that he realised the finality of his situation, and he slowly looses his sanity piece by piece. Click here for our ongoing Comic Con coverage.
※ 「SDCC 07」とは「米サンディエゴで開催されているコミコン07」の意。
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