2011年7月22日 CNN.comのサイトでジョー・ヒルのインタビュー記事が掲載された。
A conversation with writer Joe Hill
CNN: Did you feel pressure to write horror and fantasy?
Hill: The elephant in the room is that my dad is Stephen King.
I'm very close to my dad, my best friend. I talk to him every day, and he is a huge source of inspiration for me. I knew by the time I was in college I wanted to be a professional writer as well, but I also started to think that the last name was actually more of a disadvantage than an advantage.
I started to think that if I wrote as Joseph King, there would be a danger that a publisher might take a book that wasn't very good and publish it cause they saw a chance to make a quick buck on the last name. And readers are smart, and you know they might buy your first book because you got a famous daddy. But if the book's no good, they won't buy your second one.
I was selfish, and I wanted to have a long career. So I decided in college that I would drop the last name and write as Joe Hill, with my hope being that I would have a chance to make my mistakes in private, where they belong, and work my craft and hopefully be able to sell a book without anyone knowing who my dad was. It took 10 years, but I was successful in that.
CNN: How did the pen name get found out?
Hill: Part of the way the pen name came out is the Internet. I started to do appearances to sell ("20th Century Ghosts" at conventions). As soon as I started to do public appearances, people started to say, "doesn't he kinda look like, you know?" and the hard-core Stephen King fans remembered that "The Shining" was dedicated to Joe Hill King.
So people started to blog about it and write on message boards about it, and I would contact people directly, and I would say, "You're right. That's who my dad is, but could you take that off your blog?" People were delighted to. They loved being in on the secret. They were trying to help me, but once it started to creep out on the Internet, I knew my time was numbered.
CNN: What's next?
Hill: I'm working on the third draft of a new novel. The novel is called "Nosferatu," but it's actually spelled "NOS4A2," and it's a vanity license plate. It's got a lot of stuff about American highways in it, and it's a horror novel. It's a scary road story. And I've got about 10 issues left in "Locke & Key." I've actually got about 200 pages on the book that will be after "NOS4A2" as well.
ヒル:現在「ノスフェラトゥ("Nosferatu")」(正確には「NOS4A2」)と言う新作長編の第3稿に取り組んでいます。この表記は自動車のナンバープレートで、物語はアメリカの高速道路を舞台にしたホラー小説です。更にコミック・ブック「Locke & Key」も10冊分程度残っているし、「NOS4A2」の次の小説も200ページくらい執筆しています。