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「ウォーキング・デッド」 2011年10月21日にBleeding Coolが伝えるところによると、テレビシリーズ「ウォーキング・デッド」の脚本をスティーヴン・キングとジョー・ヒルが共同で執筆する企画は中止になった模様。

Not Really A Shock: King And Joe Hill’s Walking Dead Went Away With Darabont


It’s exactly as you’d expect, I think, but Bleeding Cool have heard from a good source near the show that the moment Stephen King‘s plan to write an episode of The Walking Dead with his son Joe Hill was extinguished was the moment that Frank Darabont came unbound from the show.

No official statement was ever issued, though King did initially tell Entertainment Weekly:

[Darabont] has expressed enthusiastic interest for season 2 or possibly 3.

That was the plan, so – as I said – the reversal of fortune was not hard to predict after Darabont departed the showrunner’s throne.

At least the confirmation underlines solidarity between Darabont and King, which is nice.

The second season of the show started on UK TV tonight, with the second episode screening on FX next Friday at 9pm.US readers can stay five days ahead by tuning into AMC this Sunday at 9pm.

I’ve seen the first four episodes and talked about some of them in this week’s podcast. Meanwhile, Hannah is providing week-by-week reviews of the show for us. At least one of us is packing some real criticisms, though it is fair to say we’re both enjoying it over all.



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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: キングとヒルの「ウォーキング・デッド」の脚本共著企画はなかったことに!:

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