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「月刊アスキー.PC」2012年1月号 現在発売中の「月刊アスキー.PC」2012年1月号にスティーヴン・キングの「コロラド・キッド」を原作とするテレビシリーズ「ヘイヴン-謎の潜む町-」シーズン1第1話のDVDがついている模様。


実際のところは、【別冊付録 パソコン インターネットの最新常識2012/付録DVD-ROM 辰年年賀状「厳選」素材】がメインで、そのDVDに「ヘイヴン」が収録されている訳。


「ヘイヴン」presented by 角川書店

DVDプロモーション集presented by 角川書店


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来年は西部劇が熱い!? アカデミー賞脚本家が西部劇ドラマを製作







Akiva Goldsman Inks Overall Deal With HBO, Sets Up Western Drama About Doc Holliday With Ron Howard Attached To Direct

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Jelsarem's Rod(ジェルサレムズ・ロッド) さて、今日も全ての事象はスティーヴン・キングの影響を受けている、と言うキングファンの妄想的エントリー。

今日、俎上に乗せるのは、ロックバンド L'Arc〜en〜Ciel のヴォーカリストのhyde


そんな中、hydeはキングの「呪われた町」に登場する架空の町ジェルーサレムズ・ロットから引用するかたちで、Jelsarem's Rod(ジェルサレムズ・ロッド)と言うロックバンドに所属していた模様。


なお、Jelsarem's Rodは、1990年頃から1991年3月まで大阪のライヴハウスで活動していたロックバンドで、hydeはL'Arc〜en〜Cielの加入する直前まで、Jelsarem's Rodに所属していた模様。

※ 今日のエントリーは、WEBでいろいろと検索して得た情報をもとにしています。誤りや、詳細情報がありましたら、ご連絡をお願いします。

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It サントラでおなじみのINTRADA(イントラーダ)から、スティーヴン・キング原作のテレビムービー「IT/イット」の2枚組サウンドトラックがリリースされた模様。

「IT」 (2CD)
Label: Intrada Special Collection Volume 184
Date: 1990
Tracks: 42
Time = 98:31

Treat for horror movie soundtrack fans! 2-CD world premiere release of complete Emmy-winning score for mammoth 1990 two-part mini-series drawn from powerhouse Stephen King novel, directed by Tommy Lee Wallace, starring Richard Thomas, Richard Masur, Annette O'Toole, Tim Curry. While composer Richard Bellis anchors with diabolical idea for twisted clown Pennywise, Bellis creates amazingly rich symphonic tapestry that covers small-town Americana setting, rituals of boys-into-men spanning some 30 years, confrontations with fear, spectacular showdowns with evil. Gorgeous trumpet during Americana segments just one highlight, dizzying array of electronics during scary sequences another highlight, powerful orchestral excitement of final Spider battle yet another. Providing fine feather in his cap, Bellis' score was first TV horror film score to nab coveted Emmy as "Best Dramatic Underscore for Miniseries or Special". Rich, multi-layered - and ambitious - score is certainly worthy of award! Intrada presents entire score in dynamic stereo from two-track digital scoring session masters courtesy Warner Bros. Entertainment. Informative notes by Dan Schweiger, vivid graphics by Joe Sikoryak complete exciting 2-CD package. Richard Bellis conducts. Intrada Special Collection release available while interest and quantities remain!

CD 1 "IT" Part I
01. Main Title I 1:52
02. Enter The Clown 3:04
03. Georgie Dies 4:17
04. Ben Gets The News 0:51
05. Punks 2:18
06. I Hate It Here 1:53
07. Bedroom Jazz Source 2:24
08. The Slap 1:45
09. Die If You Try 4:02
10. Richie's Talk Show Play-Off 0:34
11. The Beast - First Encounter 2:05
12. Mike Remembers 0:58
13. Mike Joins The Group 5:07
14. Pennywise 0:39
15. Circus Source 1:10
16. Target Practice 2:51
17. The Sewer Hole 3:13
18. Stan Gets Nabbed 4:27
19. The Fog 3:25
20. The Pact 1:43
21. Stan's Suicide 0:50
22. End Credits I 1:00
CD 1 Total Time 50:53

CD 2 "IT" Part II
01. Main Title Part II 1:51
02. The Graves 1:48
03. Library Balloons 2:53
04. Ben's Flashback 0:35
05. Skeleton On The Pond 0:40
06. Guillory's Muzak 1:27
07. Hydrox 2:49
08. Audra 1:45
09. Fortune Cookie 1:54
10. Silver Flyer 2:22
11. Leftover Stan 1:52
12. Henry And Belch 2:20
13. Every Thirty Years 1:56
14. Audra Arrives 2:02
15. This Time It's For Real 4:26
16. The Smell Of Death 1:59
17. Something's Coming 4:00
18. The Spider's Web 5:11
19. Hi Ho Silver 4:33
20. End Credits Part II 1:00
CD 2 Total Time 47:38

脚本:ローレンス・D・コーエン トミー・リー・ウォーレス


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Cujo's Cornerでキングのレアアイテムゲットだぜ!

Cujo's Corner
2011年11月15日 3日間限定のスティーヴン・キングのレアアイテムショップCujo's Cornerがオープンした。


Stephen King "The Dark Tower", Donald M. Grant, Signed Limited Edition, Matching #s, 9 Vols with "AH"
Price: $18,000.00
Sale Price: $15,900.00



また、Matching #sと言うのは、限定版の番号が一致している、と言う事で、これらの商品は、全て616番目のコピーである、と言う事。


Stephen King "Carrie" Signed First Edition, First Printing, Fine/NF w/Tray Case
Price: $3,500.00
Sale Price: $2,400.00


Stephen King "The Eyes of the Dragon" Signed First Edition, dj/HC, Fine/Fine
Price: $800.00
Sale Price: $499.00


Stephen King "Firestarter" Signed Limited FIRST Edition, Association Copy. Signed 2X. Signed to King's Nanny
Price: $2,300.00
Sale Price: $1,990.00


Stephen King "Christine" Donald M. Grant Publishers, Signed Limited Edition #264/1,250
Price: $1,250.00
Sale Price: $999.00


Stephen King, "The Shining" Signed First Edition - First Printing, Fine/NFine
Price: $1,980.00
Sale Price: $999.00


Stephen King "Under the Dome" Signed Limited Edition w/Playing Cards, Event Documentaion, Fine/Fine in Leather Slipcase
Price: $550.00
Sale Price: $450.00












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今日、俎上に乗せるのは、アニメーション作品「輪るピングドラム」9TH STATION「氷の世界」


先日、18TH STATION「だから私のためにいてほしい」に登場した「こどもブロイラー」の言葉の使い方に疑問を覚え、いろいろと調べたところ、9TH STATION「氷の世界」にも「こどもブロイラー」が登場し、その回にスティーヴン・キングに関する言及があったようなのだ。

わたしは、9TH STATION「氷の世界」を確かに観ているし、図書館の造型や、「カエルくん○○を救う」にもいろいろと思うところがあったり、エレベーターは村上春樹の「世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド」じゃないのかな、とか陽毬の友達は「おジャ魔女どれみ」だろ、とかいろいろ覚えているのだが、肝心のキングに関する言及の部分は覚えていない。



「輪るピングドラム」9TH STATION「氷の世界」より



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ISBN-10: 408760635X
ISBN-13: 978-4087606355

ISBN-10: 4087606368
ISBN-13: 978-4087606362

そして、装画を担当している藤田新策氏はブログ(Shinsaku Fujita Private View)で装画紹介のエントリーを開始している。

Jerusalem's Lot




「呪われた町」 >>キングの名作が新装版で登場。おなじみ藤田新策さんのカバーです(でも集英社文庫)。解説を書かせていただきました。豪華版の情報がダイジェストしてあります。




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具体的には、連邦法により、低所得者・高齢者・障害者向けの、Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program(LIHEAP/低所得家庭エネルギー支援プログラム)が縮小されたため、スティーヴン・キングは自らが所有するFM局を通じ、70,000ドルの寄付を集め、それにスティーヴン・キングとタビサ・キングが70,000ドルを加え、140,000ドルの支援を行うもの。


Stephen King offers $70,000 for heating fuel aid
By Renee Ordway, Special to the BDN

BANGOR, Maine — With poor, elderly and disabled Mainers facing deep cuts to the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program which helps keep them warm in the winter, Bangor’s most famous resident, author Stephen King, is stepping forward to help out.

King — who owns Bangor radio stations WZON 620 AM, WKIT 100.3 FM and The Pulse 103.1 FM — said Tuesday that the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation would work with the radio stations to try to raise as much as $140,000 to be used for fuel assistance for low-income Mainers in the stations’ broadcast area.

“We’ll match up to $70,000 of the amount raised,” King said in a telephone interview. “This economy is terrible and Tabitha and I both worry so much about Bangor because it truly is a working-class town and we are always looking for ways to help, and right now this is a great need.”

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services notified MaineHousing late last month that it should expect to receive $23 million in LIHEAP funds this winter, down from $55.6 million last year. Gov. Paul LePage said last week he would ask the Legislature for funds to bridge the gap.

King said that as the need of the people increases, the help from the government decreases.

“And on top of it the price of fuel continues to rise. The cost goes up, the need goes up and the assistance goes down. That’s the bottom line. That’s what is happening,” he said.

Though he and his wife spend much of the winter at their home in Florida, King said their devotion to Bangor never wavers.

“We still come back. Our children grew up on West Broadway and that is still where they want to be during the holidays,” he said. “We don’t forget how cold it is in Maine in the winter.”

As part of the stations’ “Help Keep ME Warm This Winter,” Pat LaMarche, host of The Pulse “Morning Show,” will live in the cold for several days later this month, said station manager Bobby Russell.

LaMarche will move into a small wooden shed provided by Wooden Wonders of Unity and will broadcast from there beginning at 6 a.m. Monday, Nov. 21.

She will stay in the shed through Thanksgiving and Black Friday in an effort to remind listeners of the importance of remembering and giving to the less fortunate during the most festive time of the year.

King, however, said that he was aware of the difficulty right now of asking people who already are financially strapped to give more.

“We are chipping in, but we know that it is increasingly difficult for some people to chip in. Can we raise the whole amount? I don’t know, but we’ll do what we can,” he said.

With threats of federal cuts of more than $30 million for heating assistance and rising costs of oil, Shawn Yardley, director of Bangor Health and Community Services, said the situation for many is dire.

In the past two weeks, Yardley said Tuesday, he has received more calls from people desperate to find help to fill their oil tanks than he has in the past three years.

He said the callers are frightened and for most there is no help available.

“I give them contacts and numbers, but I tell them, and I know, that those resources have no help to give,” he said.

Yardley is setting his sights on instructing those Mainers on how to stay safe in a cold house.

“Pockets are getting shallow,” he said, “even among those who are very charitable. Are we grateful for what Stephen and Tabitha are doing? You bet. But none of us can make up for these deep cuts to this program. I know what I need to do now in my position. I need to start reminding people to stay safe — to not put their homes at risk of fire, to not run the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and to encourage them to perhaps move in with friends and family members for the winter … in order to survive this time.”


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 [映画.com ニュース] モダンホラーの帝王スティーブン・キングの長編小説「ローズ・マダー」が、映画化されることになった。


 今回の映画版では、名匠ジム・シェリダン監督(「マイ・レフトフット」)の娘で、「イン・アメリカ 三つの小さな願いごと」(02)の脚本を父とともに手がけ、アカデミー賞脚本賞にノミネートされたナオミ・シェリダンが脚本を手がける。監督とキャストは未定。




Palomar lands funding for pic trio
Grosvenor Park to back two remakes, Stephen King adaptation

In a major indie financing deal, Joni Sighvattson's Palomar Pictures ("Killer Elite," "Brothers") has launched a partnership with Grosvenor Park on a package of three films -- a pair of remakes and a Stephen King adaptation.

The companies jointly announced the alliance Monday at the American Film Market, under which Grosvenor Park will finance Palomar's upcoming productions of "Joseph and the Girl," "Elliot" and "Rose Madder." All three pics are targeted to go into production within 18 months.

Palomar is the first producer to sign on with Grosvenor Park since the latter announced plans during the Toronto Intl. Film Festival to resume financing films after a three-year absence. Grosvenor Park's aiming to provide a "one-stop shop" financing solution for independent films in the mid-range budget level via senior, gap and tax lending.

The first Palomar film to go before the cameras will be "Joseph and the Girl," a remake of a 2010 French heist thriller. The film will be directed by Gary McKendry and co-written with his writing partner Matt Sherring, the creative team behind "Killer Elite."

"Joseph" will start principal photography in March. Sighvatsson is in advanced negotiations with major actors for the lead roles.

The original "Joseph" centers on a man getting out of jail where robberies got him locked up for 20 years. He goes to live in the house of his ex-cellmate who died in prison and left behind his daughter, who's a swindler.

"Elliot" is a remake of the 2001 Norwegian film "Elling" with a script by Jay Roach, Larry Stuckey and Tom McCarthy. Sighvatsson will produce with Jay Roach and Kevin Spacey while Jennifer Perini at Roach's Everyman Pictures will exec produce.

The original "Elling" was based on Ingvar Ambjornsen's novel "Blood Brothers" about a man in his 40s and his struggle to function normally in society. "Rose Madder," based on King's 1995 fantasy novel, has been adapted by Naomi Sheridan ("In America"). That story's based on a woman who's on the run from her abusive husband and is able to travel into a painting.

Sighvatsson is finalizing partnership arrangements with domestic and international distribs.

"Joni's history the past two decades consistently producing high-quality films with fiscal discipline, and his knowledge and understanding of our changing marketplace, is the reason that Grosvenor Park is entering into this long term relationship," said Grosvenor Park partner Don Starr.

Sighvatsson said the pics will be "high-quality mainstream pictures" and use a simpler method of financing larger budget independent projects instead of the traditional financial model normally used.

Grosvenor Park has arranged financing for more than 400 projects since 1982, including "The Hurt Locker," "Righteous Kill," "PS I Love You" and "Deja Vu."



Stephen King Novel 'Rose Madder' Being Adapted for the Big Screen

There are numerous big screen Stephen King adaptations, from the really good (The Shining) to the really bad (unfortunately there are too many of these to list but here's one for you...Dreamcatcher) and the "Oh yea, he did write those didn't he?!" (The Shawshank Redemption , The Green Mile) in between. But somehow, King's Rose Madder has evaded the feature film treatment until now. Variety is reporting that Palomar Pictures and Grosvenor Park are working on an adaptation of the 1995 novel with screenwriter Naomi Sheridan, writer of In America and daughter of My Left Foot director Jim) scripting the project.

No word on a director or any stars attached to the project but something tells me it won't be Mr. Sheridan after the flop that was Dream House (for the record, the director was very unhappy with the studio's final cut and wanted his name removed from the film). Madder, like many of King's stories, centers around elements of domestic violence (It, Needful Things, etc.) and tells the story of a woman who flees to the big city to escape her abusive police officer husband. Once there, she trades her wedding ring for a painting of a woman in a rose madder-colored dress, which she soon discovers is a kind of magical portal to a fantasy land and that the woman in the painting is kind of insane. From there, it's revenge, murder, an underground labyrinth, an evil one-eyed bull, magic seeds that grow a magic tree and all kinds of other Kings-isms. To make a long story short, shit just gets weird.

I'm not sure the book is ripe for the picking when it comes to big screen adaptations, which is likely why it's gone untouched for 16 years and is being brought to us by smaller production companies but I guess it's too early to judge and time will tell. Fun fact though: like many of King's stories, Rose Madder has connections to the author's other works, most significantly The Dark Tower series. The question is whether or not this adaptation is just as desired as that one.

※ 短篇を除く。


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ブライアン・K・ボーン 2011年11月9日に映画.comが伝えるところによると、テレビムービー「アンダー・ザ・ドーム」の脚本は、「LOST」の脚本家ブライアン・K・ボーンが務める模様。



 [映画.com ニュース] スティーブン・キングの長編小説「アンダー・ザ・ドーム」のテレビドラマを、「LOST」の脚本家が手がけることになったと、Deadlineが報じた。


 今年8月に米有料チャンネルSHOWTIMEとの提携を決定してから、脚本家探しを入念に行っていたという。パイロット版の脚本家、および制作総指揮に選ばれたのは、「LOST」シーズン3からシーズン5まで脚本を執筆したブライアン・K・ボーン。ボーンはコミック作家としてのキャリアを持ち、「Y: The Last Man」「Ex Machina」などのヒット作があることで知られている。


Brian K. Vaughan To Adapt Stephen King’s ‘Under The Dome’ As Series For Showtime



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Stephen King's New Monster 2011年10月28日にTHE WALL STREET JOURNALが、2011年11月に出版されるスティーヴン・キングの最新長編「11/22/63」の紹介記事を公開した。

Stephen King's New Monster


Stephen King is afraid of cellphones. Insects. Elevators. The number 13. Unhinged fans.


"I just write about what scares me," Mr. King said during an interview at his home in Bangor, Maine. "When I was a kid, my mother used to say, 'Think of the worst thing that you can, and if you say it out loud then it won't come true.' And that's probably been the basis of my career."


"I've never tried to write anything like this before," said Mr. King, dressed in jeans and a gray T-shirt. "It was really strange at first, like breaking in a new pair of shoes."


"This might be a book where we really have a chance to get an audience who's not my ordinary audience," he said. "Instead of people who read horror stories, people who read 'The Help' or 'People of the Book' might like this book, if they can get the message," he added, referring to best-histselling orical novels by Kathryn Stockett and Geraldine Brooks.


Getting the message out to new readers might be tough. Mr. King recalled a woman who approached him in a supermarket in Florida, where he has a winter home.



"She said, 'I know who you are, you're that writer, you write those horror stories, and I said, "Yes, ma'am, I guess," and she said, 'I don't read that kind of thing. I respect what you do but I don't read those. I like uplifting things like that 'Shawshank Redemption,' '' Mr. King recalled. "I said, 'I wrote that one, too,' and she goes, 'No, you didn't,' and she just went on her way."


Mr. King and his publisher, Scribner, face an odd challenge as they unleash an elaborate marketing campaign to promote "11/22/63."





その後、キングの交通事故の話、ミュージカル「Ghost Brothers of Darkland County」「ダーク・タワー」シリーズの新作、「シャイニング」の続編等の近況等々。







Stephen King is afraid of cellphones. Insects. Elevators. The number 13. Unhinged fans.

"I just write about what scares me," Mr. King said during an interview at his home in Bangor, Maine. "When I was a kid, my mother used to say, 'Think of the worst thing that you can, and if you say it out loud then it won't come true.' And that's probably been the basis of my career."

For nearly 40 years, Mr. King has trafficked in horror and fantasy tales that spring from his freakishly fertile imagination. He has published 50 novels and written some 400 short stories, selling more than 350 million copies world-wide. Now, for the first time, he's grounded a novel in historical fact, creating a chilling bogeyman based on one of America's most notorious villains: Lee Harvey Oswald.

His new novel, "11/22/63," set to be published Nov. 8, follows Jake Epping, a high-school English teacher in a small town in contemporary Maine. Jake travels through a mysterious time portal to 1958, aiming to stop Oswald from killing President John F. Kennedy. Set almost entirely in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the narrative tracks Oswald's movements in the months and days leading up to the Dallas shooting, and features historical figures such as James Hosty, the FBI agent who investigated Oswald; Bonnie Ray Williams, Oswald's co-worker at the Texas Book Depository, and George de Mohrenschildt, a Russian geologist and friend of the assassin.

"I've never tried to write anything like this before," said Mr. King, dressed in jeans and a gray T-shirt. "It was really strange at first, like breaking in a new pair of shoes."

His foray into fact signals a new chapter for the 64-year-old novelist, who has sought to establish himself as more than just a horror writer in recent years. Mr. King certainly doesn't lack readers, but he wants new ones.

"This might be a book where we really have a chance to get an audience who's not my ordinary audience," he said. "Instead of people who read horror stories, people who read 'The Help' or 'People of the Book' might like this book, if they can get the message," he added, referring to best-histselling orical novels by Kathryn Stockett and Geraldine Brooks.

Getting the message out to new readers might be tough. Mr. King recalled a woman who approached him in a supermarket in Florida, where he has a winter home.

"She said, 'I know who you are, you're that writer, you write those horror stories, and I said, "Yes, ma'am, I guess," and she said, 'I don't read that kind of thing. I respect what you do but I don't read those. I like uplifting things like that 'Shawshank Redemption,' '' Mr. King recalled. "I said, 'I wrote that one, too,' and she goes, 'No, you didn't,' and she just went on her way."

Mr. King and his publisher, Scribner, face an odd challenge as they unleash an elaborate marketing campaign to promote "11/22/63." How do you rebrand one of the world's most famous and successful living authors? Scribner is targeting history buffs with book-giveaway promotions on bio.com and history sites. To reach news junkies, the publisher bought ad time on 11 p.m. news programs in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The 30-second ad, which will also run on the CNN airport network and on the A&E and Syfy networks, shows archival footage of Kennedy's Dallas motorcade, with a voice-over that says, "What if instead of justwatching history, you could change it?" Mr. King's book tour will include appearances at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston and at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, the site Oswald fired from. The Dallas museum is preparing to host 1,000 people.

Mr. King helped plan the marketing strategy. An unusual joint venture with Scribner grants him greater control than most authors over how his books are packaged and sold. He gets a relatively small advance for a best-selling author—in the mid-seven-figure range—and then splits the production and marketing costs and the profits roughly down the middle. He typically publishes one to two books a year.

"He's like a different order of human being," said Scribner publisher Susan Moldow.

Mr. King considered retiring nearly a decade ago, a few years after he was struck by a van in a near-fatal accident. Since then, he has entered a remarkably fertile period. On a recent morning at his Bangor home—a dark-red, Gothic-looking house behind a tall metal gate decorated with bats and dragons and a huge spiderweb—he was working on the 12th draft of "Ghost Brothers of Darkland County," a musical he wrote with John Mellencamp that will open in Atlanta next spring. He recently finished the eighth book in his 3,700-plus page "Dark Tower" fantasy series, which Scribner will release next year. He's 500 pages into a sequel to his 1977 classic "The Shining," about a possessed writer in a haunted hotel and his psychic son, Danny. In the sequel, Danny is grown up and working in a nursing home, where he specializes in helping people as they die.

"It takes him less time to write a book than it takes me to edit it, or even read it," said his agent and long-time editor Chuck Verrill, who described Mr. King's discipline as a form of "obsessive compulsive disorder."

Mr. King says he's been pushing himself lately to deliver on ambitious projects before his productivity and stamina taper off. "Cleaning house—we want to get everything nice and clean and neat for when we exit the building," he said. "These things have been there for a long time, and now's the time to do them if I'm going to do them at all. I'm not getting any younger."

The idea for "11/22/63" first struck him in 1973, when he was on the brink of publishing his first novel, "Carrie," about a bullied teenage girl with psychic powers. At the time, Mr. King felt the historical novel required too much research, and greater literary chops than he possessed. Though Mr. King doesn't keep a writer's notebook—"The good ideas stick," he said—the idea lingered for 35 years.

In "11/22/63," Mr. King creates a time-travel narrative that's packed with minutiae like the 1958 price of a pint of root beer (10 cents) or a haircut (40 cents). Mr. King and his longtime researcher, a New Hampshire-based physician's assistant named Russ Dorr, pored over historical documents and newspaper archives from the period, looking at clothing and appliance ads, sports scores and television listings.

The pair spent a week in Dallas, where they visited Oswald's apartment building on West Neely Street and paid a resident $20 for a peek inside. They tracked down the home of Gen. Edwin Walker, one of Oswald's failed assassination targets. They got a private tour of the Sixth Floor Museum, the site of the former Texas School Book Depository where Oswald worked and fashioned his sniper's nest out of book cartons on Nov. 22, 1963.

Mr. King studied various conspiracy theories. He ultimately dismissed them, drawing the unsettling conclusion that a single person with no political power or charisma managed to alter the course of history by himself.

He invited the historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, an assistant to President Lyndon Johnson and the author of the Abraham Lincoln book "Team of Rivals," to dinner to pick her brain. Ms. Goodwin, who said in an email that she loves alternate history, weighed in on possible worst-case scenarios that could unfold if Mr. King's hero managed to change history. Mr. King used some of her points in the novel.

For all its historical heft, "11/22/63" bears many of Mr. King's trademarks. It's ultra-violent and suspenseful, with supernatural overtones. There are cameos by characters from his 1986 novel "IT," which takes place partly in the late 1950s in Derry, a fictional Maine town where children are killed by a shape-shifting monster. He also drops in some autobiographical nuggets. The time portal deposits Jake in the Worumbo Mills, a textile mill in Lisbon Falls where Mr. King worked in high school.

A Maine native, Mr. King began writing when he was 6. He sold stories to his eighth-grade classmates for a quarter. Throughout his adolescence, he submitted stories to fantasy and horror magazines, collecting a pile of rejection slips. He attended the University of Maine at Orono, where he met his wife, Tabitha, also a novelist. After graduating, he carved out a living washing motel sheets. Tabitha worked at Dunkin' Donuts. In 1973, he was making $6,400 a year as a high-school English teacher when he sold his novel "Carrie" to Doubleday for $2,500. The paperback rights sold for $400,000. Mr. King quickly became a blockbuster horror writer with hits such as "Salem's Lot," "The Shining," "The Stand" and "Pet Sematary."

n the 1990s, Mr. King was collecting advances of around $16 million a book. He now calls those advance sums "grotesque." "They were ridiculous," he says. "It became almost like a d—-measuring contest—my advance is bigger than your advance. For a guy like me or a guy like Tom Clancy, John Grisham, Dean Koontz, Janet Evanovich, why do we need an advance?"

When he left his publisher, Viking, 14 years ago, he traded gargantuan advances for his current deal with Scribner, granting him much smaller advances and roughly half of the profits. Most authors get 10 to 15% of royalties. If a book does phenomenally, he stands to earn multiple millions.

Mr. King has demanded greater leverage in other areas of his career. He has sold movie rights to his books for $1 in exchange for keeping creative control of the projects. In another unusual move, Mr. King leases his titles to publishers, typically for a period of 15 years, rather than selling them. Most authors sell copyrights, which typically last until 70 years after the author's death. Mr. King credits his former agent, Kirby McCauley, for driving that bargain. "He said, 'There's no need to sell the rights for these books when you can rent them,' " said Mr. King. "It gives you the option to move on if you don't like the way that particular publisher is selling things, and that motivates them to try to move the books."

Mr. King has struggled with the scrutiny that comes with blockbuster status. He still smarts over a caricature that depicted him as a huge head devouring piles of money pouring out of a typewriter. "The disturbing part was that it was saying anybody who sells a lot of books must ipso facto be selling dreck," he said.

He's also grown wary of his more ardent fans. He says he spends less time in his Bangor home now because tourists cluster outside the gate and snap photos. When he goes on book tours, fans find out where he's staying and camp out outside. "It's very unsettling," he said. "They always call you by your first name—'Stephen, Stephen, over here. Just sign this one baseball.' Then it turns out they've got about 19,000 other things."

In his more paranoid moments, he thinks of Mark Chapman, the man who shot John Lennon: "If there's ever going to be a Mark Chapman for me, it's going to be one of those people."

Though he's grown increasingly private, in person he's relaxed, profane and unguarded, discussing everything from his love of dogs, especially corgis, to his aversion to cell phones, which he called "slave bracelets." Eating a cinnamon bun in his kitchen, he spoke about how his sons Joe and Owen, both writers, tend to show their manuscripts to their mother rather than him.

Mr. King still writes every day, working for five or six hours. He mulls over stories during long morning walks and when he's lying in bed at night. Lately, he's been amusing himself at night by imagining a Raymond Chandler-style detective story. His sparely decorated office has a small, high picture window that lets in light but offers no view. "No distractions," he says.

When he's not writing, he's reading—literary fiction, crime novels, fantasy, horror and classics. In the cavernous recreation room where he watches sports and movies and reads, books line the walls, ranging from works by Michael Connelly, Tom Clancy and James Ellroy to Salman Rushdie, Don DeLillo, A.M. Homes, T.C. Boyle and Shakespeare.

In recent years, Mr. King, now a grandfather of four, has become less concerned about his reputation. Ever since he won an O. Henry award for a short story he published in the New Yorker in 1994, and the National Book Foundation's award for distinguished contribution to American letters in 2003, literary critics have been kinder to him, he says. But he says he remains keenly aware of his "place" in the literary landscape.

"I've never fooled myself that I'm going to have much popularity beyond my lifetime," he says. "There may be one or two books that people read later on."

Write to Alexandra Alter at alexandra.alter@wsj.com

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