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It サントラでおなじみのINTRADA(イントラーダ)から、スティーヴン・キング原作のテレビムービー「IT/イット」の2枚組サウンドトラックがリリースされた模様。

「IT」 (2CD)
Label: Intrada Special Collection Volume 184
Date: 1990
Tracks: 42
Time = 98:31

Treat for horror movie soundtrack fans! 2-CD world premiere release of complete Emmy-winning score for mammoth 1990 two-part mini-series drawn from powerhouse Stephen King novel, directed by Tommy Lee Wallace, starring Richard Thomas, Richard Masur, Annette O'Toole, Tim Curry. While composer Richard Bellis anchors with diabolical idea for twisted clown Pennywise, Bellis creates amazingly rich symphonic tapestry that covers small-town Americana setting, rituals of boys-into-men spanning some 30 years, confrontations with fear, spectacular showdowns with evil. Gorgeous trumpet during Americana segments just one highlight, dizzying array of electronics during scary sequences another highlight, powerful orchestral excitement of final Spider battle yet another. Providing fine feather in his cap, Bellis' score was first TV horror film score to nab coveted Emmy as "Best Dramatic Underscore for Miniseries or Special". Rich, multi-layered - and ambitious - score is certainly worthy of award! Intrada presents entire score in dynamic stereo from two-track digital scoring session masters courtesy Warner Bros. Entertainment. Informative notes by Dan Schweiger, vivid graphics by Joe Sikoryak complete exciting 2-CD package. Richard Bellis conducts. Intrada Special Collection release available while interest and quantities remain!

CD 1 "IT" Part I
01. Main Title I 1:52
02. Enter The Clown 3:04
03. Georgie Dies 4:17
04. Ben Gets The News 0:51
05. Punks 2:18
06. I Hate It Here 1:53
07. Bedroom Jazz Source 2:24
08. The Slap 1:45
09. Die If You Try 4:02
10. Richie's Talk Show Play-Off 0:34
11. The Beast - First Encounter 2:05
12. Mike Remembers 0:58
13. Mike Joins The Group 5:07
14. Pennywise 0:39
15. Circus Source 1:10
16. Target Practice 2:51
17. The Sewer Hole 3:13
18. Stan Gets Nabbed 4:27
19. The Fog 3:25
20. The Pact 1:43
21. Stan's Suicide 0:50
22. End Credits I 1:00
CD 1 Total Time 50:53

CD 2 "IT" Part II
01. Main Title Part II 1:51
02. The Graves 1:48
03. Library Balloons 2:53
04. Ben's Flashback 0:35
05. Skeleton On The Pond 0:40
06. Guillory's Muzak 1:27
07. Hydrox 2:49
08. Audra 1:45
09. Fortune Cookie 1:54
10. Silver Flyer 2:22
11. Leftover Stan 1:52
12. Henry And Belch 2:20
13. Every Thirty Years 1:56
14. Audra Arrives 2:02
15. This Time It's For Real 4:26
16. The Smell Of Death 1:59
17. Something's Coming 4:00
18. The Spider's Web 5:11
19. Hi Ho Silver 4:33
20. End Credits Part II 1:00
CD 2 Total Time 47:38

脚本:ローレンス・D・コーエン トミー・リー・ウォーレス


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