2011年12月14日にAccredited Online Collegesが「10 Famous Authors Featured on the Simpsons」と言うエントリーを公開した。
因みに、Accredited Online Collegesは、2009年創立のオンライン大学である模様。
10 Famous Authors Featured on the Simpsons
2 Stephen King
Stephen King is one of the most prolific and popular authors today, publishing numerous best-selling novels during his long career, so it only makes sense that'd he show up in an episode of The Simpsons. King appears comes into an episode when the family decides to take in a book festival, repayment to Lisa for the destruction of her room in a VCR repair gone wrong. When they meet the iconic author, Marge tells him to, "Call me when you start writing horror again," a jab at the author for getting away from his core audience, perhaps. King dutifully notes her request, however, with no hard feelings.
1 ニール・ゲイマン
2 スティーヴン・キング
3 エィミ・タン
4 ジョン・アップダイク
5 トマス・ピンチョン
6 ミッチ・アルボム
7 トム・クランシー
8 スティーブン・ジェイ・グールド
9 J.K.ローリング
10 マイケル・シェイボン
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