Gentlemen, Start Your Engines
A couple years ago, my dad and I wrote a short story together for an anthology celebrating the work of Richard Matheson. Our thing was called “Throttle,” and is the story of a biker gang persecuted by a faceless trucker… our riff on Matheson’s classic, “Duel,” which also features a homicidal trucker with a mysterious agenda.
The story appeared in that Matheson tribute (HE IS LEGEND), had a turn as an audio book, was recently adapted by Nelson Daniel and Chris Ryall as a two-part comic, and as of today, you can now find it in the eBookstore of your choice as a standalone:
As an added bonus, the eBook includes some of Nelson Daniel’s concept sketches for the story. It’s illustrated just like yer little kid’s favorite picture book, hoo hoo! Only don’t show this story to your little kid, on account of all the people gettin’ run over and macheted and butchered and so on.
Thanks much and if you haven’t had a chance to check “Throttle” out, hope you will, and hope it gives you a good ride.
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