Remember that list I tweeted the other day, the 13 most beautiful horror films. CRIMSON PEAK is the most beautiful of all.
— Joe Hill (@joe_hill) 2015, 3月 15
CRIMSON PEAK is Del Toro's blood-soaked AGE OF INNOCENCE, a gloriously sick waltz through Daphne Du Maurier territory.
— Joe Hill (@joe_hill) 2015, 3月 15
Was treated to a screening of Guillermo del Toro's new movie, CRIMSON PEAK, this weekend. Gorgeous and just fucking terrifying.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) 2015, 3月 16
CRIMSON PEAK electrified me in the same way Sam Rami's EVIL DEAD electrified me when I saw it for the first time way back in the day.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) 2015, 3月 16
Stephen King and His Son Have Kind Words For Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Crimson Peak’
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投稿: rodjer | 2015/04/04 12:27