コミックブック「American Vampire」にキングの序文が!?
2010年10月5日に出版されるスティーヴン・キング原作のハードカバー版コミックブック(グラフイックノベル)「American Vampire」にキングの序文が収録される模様。
Exclusive: Stephen King talks vampires in introduction to comics series
by Keith Staskiewicz
Categories: Comic Books, Exclusive!, Stephen King, Twilight
stephen-king-american-vampireImage Credit: Ida Mae Astute/ABC via Getty ImagesStephen King’s ‘Salem’s Lot helped to bring vampires back to their Bram Stoker origins, with an emphasis on the heartless, frightening nature of the bloodsuckers combined with a side-focus on real estate, so he knows a little something about the creatures of the night. In his introduction to the first volume of the upcoming American Vampire series from DC Comics, the horror maestro makes his feelings about how vampires should really be portrayed known: That is, as truly monstrous and evil, not fanged and fabulous. And most definitely not as “lovelorn southern gentlemen,” “anorexic teenage girls,” or “boy-toys with big dewy eyes.”
Stephen King's Intro to 'American Vampire': EW Exclusive!
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